Back At It

I got a bit done since the last post.  And then the new CS:GO operation hit and productivity went out the window.  I’m trying to get blocking working now, and have run into my old problem of over thinking systems.  All I really need it to get something working and then playtest it and see how it feels.  Instead i find myself spending large amounts of time changing and then reverting my code, every time I have a new idea about the system’s design.  It gets tedious after a while.  And now CS:GO is calling me again.  I used to get so much more done before I started playing that game.

Postless Post

I haven’t gotten much work done recently.  I blame schoolwork, although the real culprit was far too much Counter-Strike.  So, since I have nothing else to write, I thought I’d just throw in a poem I wrote one day when I got bored.  Why not?

Voices, voices everywhere, curling in my head.
‘I don’t have a voice in my head’ he said.
But he did
And it was working, constantly composing,
Writing every word you read before it hits the page.
Now two argue.  One, or the other
Having been there all along.
One sees the truth, the other never cared.
So his brother comes by, time to time to remind
Him of what he left behind, to go
Chasing around and caring about the air.

I don’t entirely remember why I wrote that but there you go.  Enjoy.

The Subtypes gain Sentience

I’ve been working more on combat lately.  In theory, I have the ability for people to attack each other, but ranged weapons, cooldowns, blocking, dodging and many other things I have planned remain in their elusive state in my mind, which is always a dangerous place to be.  I want to get the mechanics of combat down before bothering with visuals, but I threw together a basic sword animation as a test, then regretted it.  I hate animating, especially in Unity.  I’ve never gotten around to understanding the animation transition and blending system, so I tend to just fudge it all, which doesn’t work too well.  At least I didn’t spend a week implementing immediately removed classes and subtypes.  But wait, then this post’s name makes no sense, doesn’t it?  Oh well then.  Dreadful, isn’t it?