The Obligatory 2020 Topic

Well that was another five months I suppose, funny how these things happen. I’ve found myself with a sudden abundance of free time recently, so it seemed like a good time to make up for almost half a year of not updating this. I haven’t done much in that time, so this is going to be short. I finished my third academic term of electrical engineering, and my second work term, and that’s about it. Exciting.

Most of my free time these days is wasted playing Counter Strike is spent working electrical projects, primarily PCB designs for my Hyperloop team. I’ve also been playing around with generating analog video on an STM32F303 Nucleo, with… mixed results. Turns out analog video is really clever and kind of annoying, relying on a lot of very fast timings that mean you actually have to write efficient code. Turns out that’s not something I’m practiced in. I once wrote a platformer that didn’t run at a fixed tick rate and relied on the time it took to process each frame’s physics to slow things down to a playable speed, and my code was inefficient enough that it kinda worked. Well, at least it worked on my computer, and I didn’t catch my mistake until other people who weren’t using ancient laptops tried to run it and reported that it was unplayable.

So, I don’t have much to talk about with respect to programming or electronics today. I could do another thousand words about Mojang but no one wants that besides me. There is an obvious topic given the current situation but I am resistant to discussing it given that every other person on earth seems to be focused on it exclusively to the point of exhaustion. Actually the point of exhaustion was two months ago, we’re just running on sheer spite now I suppose. I guess I shouldn’t be upset about people focusing on something like this given that it is important, but I have become bitter and crotchety in my old age. The point is this is my acknowledgement that there is a massive global event currently ongoing, enough said.

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