Getting Back

So I think about three quarters of posts on this blog fall along the lines of “I did no work.”  So for today’s this week’s this month’s *checks date of last post* holy crap, I haven’t posted since October?  I actually did some work though…

Anyways, the point is that I am starting to try to get work done.  Lately I’ve been working on the system for MD66 to transfer resources between planets.  Resources are going to work on a similar model to the system in Hearts of Iron 4, where instead of representing an existing quantity of material, resource units represent a means to produce that much of a resource.  This makes trade more difficult, as instead of just moving resources from planet A to planet B, you’re telling planet A, “Hey, I’m gonna take up x amount of resource y that you produce” and then going to B and saying, “I’ll give you x amount of y.”  Except what if A gets blown up, or stops producing so much of a resource, or starts producing more and the player wanted to send a percentage to B, or they build a ship on A and that takes up 4 units of iron production for a while so x amount isn’t available to trade to B, or…

You get the idea.  The system I have built to solve this is…complicated at times.  It should (hopefully) accomplish what is needs to, and seems easy enough to change of expand.  Here’s hoping I didn’t forget something somewhere (which I inevitably did, so I don’t really know why I bother.)

Hopefully I will have more news before May, but incase not…I really have nothing else to say.