Oslo Disorder

Originally this was a post about how I spent a week making some very  basic shadow shaders. Then I took a few more weeks and actually built game stuff instead, so now it’s not that. What I have managed to make is a simple hoplite-looking fellow who draws his spear back and then thrusts it forwards, damaging enemies. That’s most of what I wanted to have done in a week, and it only took about a month, so I’m well ahead of schedule on this project so far. I also learned that the Greek military is, to this day, called the “Hellenic Armed Forces,” which I find way more amusing than anyone should.

On another note, I’m writing this the evening before my last day of high school. This is supposed to be where I talk about game development, but I thought the end of an institution that has dominated my life for the past 13 years was important enough to warrant a mention here. I’m… surprisingly emotionally affected by it, although I didn’t expect to feel anything except jubilation at this point so that really shouldn’t be surprising. For the past decade I would have happily given my left kidney to only have one more day of school ever, and now I find myself wishing it went on just a little longer. Not another year, certainly. Maybe not even another month. Just a week or two more. I’ve been wishing time away for 13 years (and rightly so I think, no one needs 6 years of the same English course), and now that it’s so suddenly over I would like a little of it back.

On the other hand I start engineering in the fall, which I am way more excited for than I am sad about leaving school, so the net emotion here is positive. And I’m sure I’ll get over the whole school thing. Probably not by tomorrow evening though. I hated it for over a decade, but it’s still weird to see it go. I guess that’s Stockholm Syndrome.

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